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Ürün Kodu: LWNA-2
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In collaboration between TED University, EGET Foundation, Trocadéro Forum Institute (France) and TOVAK Foundation, we are proud to announce the upcoming "Living with Nature Academy - 2" at the TOVAK International Marmaris Academy in Turunç, Marmaris, from July 7 to July 14, 2024.

The "Living with Nature Academy" is a joint initiative aiming to provide an immersive and enjoyable learning experience on sustainability and harmonious living with nature for university students across Europe and Türkiye. This collaborative effort promises a holistic approach to education, combining theoretical knowledge and practical workshops across a spectrum of topics.

Theoretical sessions will offer a multidisciplinary perspective on sustainability, creating a comprehensive framework across various academic disciplines. With Trocadéro Forum Institute joining us, we are expanding the discourse to include a global perspective.

The academy explores sustainability in the intersections of literature, environmental humanities, political science, economics, agricultural engineering, and international relations. Practical workshops and hands-on learning experiences will showcase best practices for a sustainable lifestyle, while field visits provide a firsthand understanding of these practices.

After the enriching educational experience, participants will have the chance to forge new friendships, engage in the spirit of civil society, and bask in the sun and sea of Turunç. We're excited for this collaborative venture and look forward to creating lasting memories with our participants.


Open for all university students across Europe and Turkey


Organizers: TED University, EGET Foundation, TOVAK Foundation, Trocadéro Forum Institute (France)

Place: Turunç/Marmaris, Türkiye

TIme: 7-14July, 2024 (one week)


  • Open for all university students (undergraduate and graduate) across Europe and Türkiye, A series of lectures on sustainability in the humanities and social sciences, including environmental humanities, political science, economics, and sustainable production and marketing strategies.
  • Hands-on practices: balcony gardening, beekeeping, ecological homemade products and more. Excursions to ecological farming fields and a trekking adventure.
  • Leisure time after lectures (16:00-20:00) by the stunning Aegean coast of Türkiye.
  • Maximum 25 students are accepted to the academy.
  • The acommodation will be in 2-3 person shared rooms.
  • Registrations will be finalized only after the payment is made.
  • No refund wil be made for registration cancellations.
  • Deadline for registration: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
  • 7 July 2024, Check-in Time: 13:00, 14 July 2024,  Check-Out Time: 12:00.
  • Deadline for registration: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (If the quota is filled before the specified date, registrations will be closed earlier.)





Tarih: 7 Temmuz - 14 Temmuz 2024
Organizatörler: TED Üniversitesi, EGET Vakfı, Trocadéro Forum Enstitüsü (Fransa) ve TOVAK
Yer: Turunç, Marmaris'te bulunan TOVAK Uluslararası Marmaris Akademisi
Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi (DYA),
sürdürülebilirlik ve doğayla uyumlu yaşam konularında keyifli bir öğrenim deneyimi sunmayı
amaçlayan bir eğitim projesidir. DYA, sürdürülebilirlik ve doğal yaşam ile ilgili çeşitli kuramsal
eğitimleri ve uygulamalı atölyelerini bir araya getiren bütünsel bir eğitim anlayışına sahiptir.
Trocadéro Forum Enstitüsü'nün katılımıyla küresel boyut kazanan DYA, sürdürülebilirlik konularını
çevreci beşeri bilimler, siyaset bilimi, ekonomi, tarım mühendisliği ve uluslararası ilişkiler gibi farklı
disiplinlerin ışında incelemeye olanak sağlar. Uygulamalı atölyeleri ise katılımcıların sürdürülebilir
yaşam tarzını deneyimleme ve sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerini derinlemesine anlama fırsatı sunar.
Atölyelerde elde edilen pratik beceriler ve bilgiler katılımcılara günlük hayatlarında sürdürülebilir
değişiklikler yapma konusunda farkındalık kazandıracaktır.
Keyifli eğitim programından arta kalan zamanda Turunç’un güneş ve denizinde keyifli anılar
biriktireceğiniz DYA, sadece öğrenme deneyiminizi zenginleştirmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda
unutulmaz bir tatil deneyimi sunar.



In collaboration between TED University, EGET Foundation, Trocadéro Forum Institute (France) and TOVAK Foundation, we are proud to announce the upcoming "Living with Nature Academy - 2" at the TOVAK International Marmaris Academy in Turunç, Marmaris, from July 7 to July 14, 2024.

The "Living with Nature Academy" is a joint initiative aiming to provide an immersive and enjoyable learning experience on sustainability and harmonious living with nature for university students across Europe and Türkiye. This collaborative effort promises a holistic approach to education, combining theoretical knowledge and practical workshops across a spectrum of topics.

Theoretical sessions will offer a multidisciplinary perspective on sustainability, creating a comprehensive framework across various academic disciplines. With Trocadéro Forum Institute joining us, we are expanding the discourse to include a global perspective.

The academy explores sustainability in the intersections of literature, environmental humanities, political science, economics, agricultural engineering, and international relations. Practical workshops and hands-on learning experiences will showcase best practices for a sustainable lifestyle, while field visits provide a firsthand understanding of these practices.

After the enriching educational experience, participants will have the chance to forge new friendships, engage in the spirit of civil society, and bask in the sun and sea of Turunç. We're excited for this collaborative venture and look forward to creating lasting memories with our participants.


Open for all university students across Europe and Turkey


Organizers: TED University, EGET Foundation, TOVAK Foundation, Trocadéro Forum Institute (France)

Place: Turunç/Marmaris, Türkiye

TIme: 7-14July, 2024 (one week)


  • Open for all university students (undergraduate and graduate) across Europe and Türkiye, A series of lectures on sustainability in the humanities and social sciences, including environmental humanities, political science, economics, and sustainable production and marketing strategies.
  • Hands-on practices: balcony gardening, beekeeping, ecological homemade products and more. Excursions to ecological farming fields and a trekking adventure.
  • Leisure time after lectures (16:00-20:00) by the stunning Aegean coast of Türkiye.
  • Maximum 25 students are accepted to the academy.
  • The acommodation will be in 2-3 person shared rooms.
  • Registrations will be finalized only after the payment is made.
  • No refund wil be made for registration cancellations.
  • Deadline for registration: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
  • 7 July 2024, Check-in Time: 13:00, 14 July 2024,  Check-Out Time: 12:00.
  • Deadline for registration: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (If the quota is filled before the specified date, registrations will be closed earlier.)





Tarih: 7 Temmuz - 14 Temmuz 2024
Organizatörler: TED Üniversitesi, EGET Vakfı, Trocadéro Forum Enstitüsü (Fransa) ve TOVAK
Yer: Turunç, Marmaris'te bulunan TOVAK Uluslararası Marmaris Akademisi
Doğayla Yaşam Akademisi (DYA),
sürdürülebilirlik ve doğayla uyumlu yaşam konularında keyifli bir öğrenim deneyimi sunmayı
amaçlayan bir eğitim projesidir. DYA, sürdürülebilirlik ve doğal yaşam ile ilgili çeşitli kuramsal
eğitimleri ve uygulamalı atölyelerini bir araya getiren bütünsel bir eğitim anlayışına sahiptir.
Trocadéro Forum Enstitüsü'nün katılımıyla küresel boyut kazanan DYA, sürdürülebilirlik konularını
çevreci beşeri bilimler, siyaset bilimi, ekonomi, tarım mühendisliği ve uluslararası ilişkiler gibi farklı
disiplinlerin ışında incelemeye olanak sağlar. Uygulamalı atölyeleri ise katılımcıların sürdürülebilir
yaşam tarzını deneyimleme ve sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerini derinlemesine anlama fırsatı sunar.
Atölyelerde elde edilen pratik beceriler ve bilgiler katılımcılara günlük hayatlarında sürdürülebilir
değişiklikler yapma konusunda farkındalık kazandıracaktır.
Keyifli eğitim programından arta kalan zamanda Turunç’un güneş ve denizinde keyifli anılar
biriktireceğiniz DYA, sadece öğrenme deneyiminizi zenginleştirmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda
unutulmaz bir tatil deneyimi sunar.